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Crafting Impactful – Creative Narratives

As a German-Colombian professional, I leverage my expertise in Media Art & Design, cultural studies, and creative storytelling to intricately weave narratives across diverse artistic mediums including audiovisual content, photography, design, Stand Up Comedy shows, and podcasting. My involvement spans film projects, podcasting, and live comedy performances, where I operate both independently as a freelancer and in collaboration with companies. Furthermore, I actively pursue collective collaborations, seeking to carve out an alternative and impactful presence in the creative landscape through collaborative endeavors that emphasize creativity and storytelling.

Upcoming Events

  • 21. Apr. 2024, 18:30
    Stube 8, Saarbrücken, Cecilienstraße 8, 66111 Saarbrücken, Deutschland
    Der Kloor Comedy Club: Wo das Saarland dem Comedy-Boom die Stirn bietet und Monat für Monat erstklassige Comedians aus ganz Deutschland für unvergessliche Abende voller Humor sorgt.
  • 11. Mai 2024, 20:00 – 22:30
    Carlitos Club - Luxemburgo, 65 Rue du Fort Neipperg, 2230 Gare Luxembourg, Luxemburg
    ¡Prepárate para una noche de risas sin fin en "Comedy Flow"! Únete a nosotros el 11.05.24 en el Carlitos Comedy Club de Luxemburgo para un espectáculo de Open Mic de stand-up comedy. ¡No te pierdas este evento lleno de diversión y humor!
  • 06. Juni 2024, 19:30
    Jules Verne - Saarbrücken, Paul-Marien-Straße 11, 66111 Saarbrücken, Deutschland
    ¡Prepárate para una noche de risas sin fin en "Comedy Flow"! Únete a nosotros el 06.06.24 en el Bar Jules Verne de Saarbrücken para un espectáculo de Open Mic de stand-up comedy. Será una velada inolvidable con varios comediantes, tanto locales como de otras ciudades de Alemania.
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